A world free from human trafficking, where women and children are safe and empowered.


of victims of human trafficking were women and girls and the remainder many times boys.


of police reported human trafficking incidences between 2010-2021 were reported in Ontario.


of victims of police-reported human trafficking incidents knew their trafficker.

Leave No One Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking doesn’t have to involve crossing borders. And it’s not just a foreign problem, it’s happening right now in communities across Canada.

Human trafficking involves recruiting, moving, or holding victims to exploit them for profit, usually for sexual reasons or forced labour. Traffickers can control and pressure victims by force or through threats, including mental and emotional abuse and manipulation.

Our Mission

We raise funds and build partnerships with individuals and businesses to support organizations dedicated to ending human trafficking.

Freedom For All People (FFAP) is a not-for-profit association established in January 2017, to address the growing human trafficking crisis affecting our neighbourhoods, cities, and provinces throughout Canada and the world.

FFAP exist to raise awareness and support for the fight against human trafficking, a devastating issue that continues to affect our world, country and communities, including the Greater Toronto Area. In 2019, approximately 30% of police-reported human trafficking cases in Canada occurred in Ontario, with many incidents taking place in urban centers like Toronto. Victims are often vulnerable women and children, and we must continue to bring this issue to light.

Our Sponsors

Buddy Service
In home care for seniors

City Automotive
Sales & Leasing

Cobs Bread

Dajan Kumarasamy
Real Estate Agent

Daniel Royer
WeDo Photography

Fola Adekusibe
Real Estate Lawyer

GC Jerk Xpress
North York
416 750-1483

Matters, Inc.


Sunset Grill Restaurant

Violet Bloom’s
Fresh Flowers

Varshan Thavarajah
Broker at Banyon Mortgage Group

freedom for all people

Core Values and Objectives:


We stand with survivors and those working to end human trafficking.


We are proactive in efforts to prevent trafficking before it starts.


We are dedicated to the fight against human trafficking.


We build strong partnerships to maximize our impact.


We provide funding and resources to those in the frontline.

Need help?



Freedom for All People

Phone: 647-499-8405
Email: info@freedomforallpeople.org


Toronto Police Human Trafficking Enforcement Team

Phone: 416-808-2222


Peel Police Vice Unit

Phone: 905-453-3311


Halton Police Drug and Human Trafficking Unit

Phone: 905-825-4777 ext. 5331


Durham Regional Police Human Trafficking Help

Phone: 1-888-579-1520 ext. 4888


York Region Police

Phone: 1866-876-5423

Contact us

Email: info@freedomforallpeople.org

PO Box 66128 Town Centre
Pickering, Ontario
L1V 6P7

Leave No One Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

FFAP has financially supported organizations such as Life International to rescue individuals recruited or sold into human trafficking, World Vision to rescue girls from being child brides, as well as support a safe house for those fleeing the sex trade with their children in British Columbia, Canada.

Leave No One Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking